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Children particularly infants and toddlers who have a developing immune system are prone to many different health conditions in India. One of the main reasons of childhood conditions in India is poverty. As majority of Indians live below the poverty line, children are prone to diseases due to malnutrition, unhygienic living conditions and more.

The most common acquired conditions in India amongst children are :

Respiratory Tract Infection (upper) – This is one of the most common pediatric condition to occur in infants and children. The main cause of this condition is air pollution. This conditions includes sore throat, influenza, common cold and tonsils.

Conjunctivitis – This is also a common pediatric condition and spreads easily because of its contiguous nature. Conjunctivitis occurs to one of the eyes first and then spreads to the other one. It is very important for kids suffering from this condition to stay away from people so that they do not pass it on.

Gastroenteritis – This is caused by Rotavirus. A lot of children are affected by rotavirus in India and it also has a vaccination for the same. Rotavirus vaccine works really well and protects your infant from gastroenteritis. Though, the children affected are given rehydration salts as treatment.

Rickets – This is caused due to the deficiency of vitamin D and occurs in children between 6 &24 months. When the child in not exposed to sunlight adequately a deficit in vitamin D occurs. The bones of the children affected with rickets start weakening and softening.

Bronchitis – Another very common childhood condition is asthama. It is mainly caused due to high exposure to air borne pollutants. The treatment of this condition involves bronchodilators and antibiotics.

The above mentioned conditions are only a few of the many more that occur in children in India. To avoid these conditions, using clean and safe drinking water, using clean utensils, maintaining the overall hygiene in children, washing hands before feeding the child, protection against mosquitoes, avoiding taking the child in crowded areas and giving mandatory as well as optional vaccines to your child are a few precautions to be taken.

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