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Diabetes - Pumps v/s injections

Diabetes is one of the most common diseases in India. Apparently, it is growing at alarming rate in India compared to the world and the day is not far when it could be included in the list of epidemics, as it has be predicted that India might as well cross the 100 million mark by 2030. No wonder, India is already listed amongst the top 3 countries worldwide, with highest diabetics.

With a mammoth diabetes count of over 60 million as on day, the preliminary plan is to help diabetes patients deal with it, effectively enough. We all are aware that there are two types of diabetes namely type 1 and type 2.

DIABETES TYPES – OVERVIEW The most common type is the Type 2 diabetes wherein the body is not able to use insulin or make it while in type 1, the body is not able to make insulin. The insulin hormone works to provide glucose to the body cells. Without insulin the glucose remains in the blood, thus harming the kidneys, eyes, nerves and heart. At times it may cost you your limb as well. So, in order to avoid health issues arising due to diabetes, it is important maintain your blood sugar levels through a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet, minimize sugar intake and exercise regularly. That is for the non diabetics, pre-diabetics and the ones who have already had gestational diabetes.

But, people who are already living with diabetes, particularly the ones who are dependent on insulin intake have two options available for them. One, is taking insulin injections on a daily basis and the other alternative is using insulin pumps. Let us go through the pros and cons offered by both this insulin intake procedures

INSULIN INJECTIONS As painful as they can get insulin injections are more common with diabetes patients in India for a reason that they come really cheap and also require less training compared to Insulin pumps. Though, there are some negative side effects of the injections as well. Primarily, the idea of taking injections on a daily basis is stress injecting already, inspite of the fact that you get used to it in no time. Secondly, due to the regular use or daily use of needles for injections, some of the body areas lose their ability to absorb it. Conditions called Hypoglcemia also might occur due to the use of different insulin types.

INSULIN PUMPS Insulin pumps are not quite common in India even though their accuracy is much better than injections. A certain study has also shown an improvement in A1C amongst pump users. It also tends to reduce the sudden blood glucose level changes, low or high, by keeping the blood glucose levels under control and balanced. These pumps make way for a more flexible lifestyle whether its about eating habits or daily workouts. The best part of it all is that you’ve dont have to take those painful injections every single day but only once in three days. Rest of the days you could use the insulin pumps. On the flip side, insulin pumps increase the risk of developing diabetic Ketoacidosis, though it can be prevented through regular blood sugar checks. Training is required before you start its use and it might require you to stay for a day at the hospital. Above all, the two main negatives that pumps come with are that they are tugged to the body all the time, which could turnout to be a source of worry for the patient and that they are quite expensive compared to injections.

Well, the choice ultimately is yours, all depends on your comfort and convenience as both have their own pros and cons.

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